Peter Elmes and His Band

John Smith - fiddle, Lynne Scott - keyboard, Peter Elmes - button accordion

One Step at a Time

Click on the "Pop Out" icon at the top right of the black text box below to Download the music files that you want.

1 Oliver's Fifth, a 6 x 32 bar Reel.

Oliver's Fifth.mp3

2 Christine Miller's Reel, a 4 x 32 bar Reel.

Christine Miller's Reel.mp3

3 The Lochiel Strathspey, a 4 x 32 bar Strathspey

(James McDonald)

The Lochiel Strathspey.mp3

4 Howard McNally's Favourite, a 4 x 32 bar strathspey.

Howard McNally's Favourite.mp3